Manual Installation
To be able to use this option, a boot loader has to be installed on your computer. If there is no boot loader installed on your computer, I recommend doing so using the Puppy Universal Installer.
Boot Puppy fom CD with the "puppy pfix=ram" boot option.
Create a new directory "puppy400" onto a partition with a Linux file system (ext2/ext3) or a FAT32 file system.
Copy the files
into this directory. If you are updating Puppy, overwrite the existing files. Reconfigure the GRUB boot loader by editing the menu.lst file. You will usually find this file on a Linux partition in the /boot/grub folder.
Append the following two lines to the file menu.lst:
Notice: (hd0,1) signifies the hard disk and partition on which GRUB is stored. Depending on your boot medium, you will need to set the pmedia parameter to one of usbflash, usbhd, usbcd, ideflash, idehd, idecd, idezip, satahd, scsihd or scsicd.
Save the file menu.lst
Close the text editor. Remove the Puppy CD from the drive and exit Puppy without saving your session. Reboot the PC. Puppy should now boot without the CD in the drive.
To be able to use this option, a boot loader has to be installed on your computer. If there is no boot loader installed on your computer, I recommend doing so using the Puppy Universal Installer.
Boot Puppy fom CD with the "puppy pfix=ram" boot option.
Create a new directory "puppy400" onto a partition with a Linux file system (ext2/ext3) or a FAT32 file system.
Copy the files
into this directory. If you are updating Puppy, overwrite the existing files. Reconfigure the GRUB boot loader by editing the menu.lst file. You will usually find this file on a Linux partition in the /boot/grub folder.
Append the following two lines to the file menu.lst:
title Puppy Linux 4.00 frugal (on /dev/hda2) rootnoverify (hd0,1) kernel /puppy400/vmlinuz pmedia=idehd psubdir=puppy400 initrd /puppy400/initrd.gz
Notice: (hd0,1) signifies the hard disk and partition on which GRUB is stored. Depending on your boot medium, you will need to set the pmedia parameter to one of usbflash, usbhd, usbcd, ideflash, idehd, idecd, idezip, satahd, scsihd or scsicd.
Save the file menu.lst
Close the text editor. Remove the Puppy CD from the drive and exit Puppy without saving your session. Reboot the PC. Puppy should now boot without the CD in the drive.
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你想手动安装,你的电脑必须已经安装了启动引导程序。如果你的电脑还没有安装启动引导程序,我建议你用Puppy的安装向导(the Puppy Universal Installer)去安装Puppy。
用"puppy pfix=ram" 的参数从CD启动Puppy。
创建一个名为"puppy400" 的新文件夹在一个分区上,这个分区可以是Linux的文件系统(ext2/ext3),也可以是FAT32文件系统。
到文件夹puppy400。如果你想升级Puppy,覆盖原有的文件。编辑menu.lst (这个文件通常在Linux分区的/boot/grub 目录下)重新设置GRUB启动引导程序。
title Puppy Linux 4.00 frugal (on /dev/hda2)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /puppy400/vmlinuz pmedia=idehd psubdir=puppy400
initrd /puppy400/initrd.gz
注意:(hd0,1)标志着GRUB储存在硬盘和分区的位置。根据你的启动,你将需要设置pmedia其中的一个参数(usbflash, usbhd, usbcd, ideflash, idehd, idecd, idezip, satahd, scsihd or scsicd)。
关闭文本编辑器。从CD光驱中取出Puppy CD接着不保存你的session退出Puppy。重新启动PC。这样Puppy不用CD就可以启动啦。