How to install Puppy
If you don't feel like booting Puppy from CD-ROM all the time, you can install Puppy to hard disk. This requires some preparation.
Harddrives, partitions and filesystems
A harddrive can be divided in one or more partitions. If you create several partitions on a harddrive, each partition appears like a harddrive in the operating system. In other words: although you have only one harddrive in your PC, you will see several (virtual) hard-drives with Windows or Linux. Windows designates the harddrives (as well as the floppy disk drive and CD/DVD drive). In Windows they will be identified with letters. Usually A designates the floppy disk drive, C the harddrive (first partition), D the CD-ROM drive, E the harddrive (second partition), F the harddrive (third partition) and so on. Each partition has its own file system, Windows normally uses NTFS (Windows XP) or FAT32 (Win98, Win95).
With Linux the (first) harddrive is adressed as /dev/hda or /dev/sda. If your PC has a second harddrive, it is adressed as /dev/hdb or /dev/sdb. The partitions are sequentially numbered, starting with one. The partitions of your harddrive are adressed as /dev/hda1 (corresponds to the Windows C-partition), /dev/hda2 (corresponds to the Windows E-partition), /dev/hda3 and so on. Linux can work with different file systems such as ext2, ext3 or ReiserFS. These file systems are not readable by Windows. In addition Linux can work with Windows filesystems too. Due to this option a FAT32-Partition is ideal to exchange files between Windows and Linux.
How to install Puppy
If you don't feel like booting Puppy from CD-ROM all the time, you can install Puppy to hard disk. This requires some preparation.
Harddrives, partitions and filesystems
A harddrive can be divided in one or more partitions. If you create several partitions on a harddrive, each partition appears like a harddrive in the operating system. In other words: although you have only one harddrive in your PC, you will see several (virtual) hard-drives with Windows or Linux. Windows designates the harddrives (as well as the floppy disk drive and CD/DVD drive). In Windows they will be identified with letters. Usually A designates the floppy disk drive, C the harddrive (first partition), D the CD-ROM drive, E the harddrive (second partition), F the harddrive (third partition) and so on. Each partition has its own file system, Windows normally uses NTFS (Windows XP) or FAT32 (Win98, Win95).
With Linux the (first) harddrive is adressed as /dev/hda or /dev/sda. If your PC has a second harddrive, it is adressed as /dev/hdb or /dev/sdb. The partitions are sequentially numbered, starting with one. The partitions of your harddrive are adressed as /dev/hda1 (corresponds to the Windows C-partition), /dev/hda2 (corresponds to the Windows E-partition), /dev/hda3 and so on. Linux can work with different file systems such as ext2, ext3 or ReiserFS. These file systems are not readable by Windows. In addition Linux can work with Windows filesystems too. Due to this option a FAT32-Partition is ideal to exchange files between Windows and Linux.
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一块硬盘可以被分成一个或多个分区,如果你在硬盘上创建数个分区,在操作系统里每个分区都看起来像一块硬盘。换言之,尽管你的电脑只有一块硬盘,你也可以在Windows或Linux里看到多个(虚拟)硬盘。Windows会为硬盘指配盘符(也包括软驱和光驱),用字母来标识。通常,A分配给软驱,C给硬盘(第一个分区),D给光驱,E给硬盘(第二个分区),F给硬盘(第三个分区)等等。每个分区有自己的文件系统,Windows通常使用NTFS (Windows XP)或者FAT32 (Win98, Win95)。
在Linux中,(第一个)硬盘被记为/dev/hda 或者 /dev/sda,如果你的电脑有第二块硬盘,那就记为/dev/hdb 或者 /dev/sdb。硬盘的分区从1开始按照顺序编号,记作/dev/hda1 (对应于Windows的C盘), /dev/hda2 (对应于Windows的E盘), /dev/hda3等等。Linux可以在不同的文件系统上工作,比如ext2, ext3 或者 ReiserFS,这些文件系统在Windows下是不可读的,而Linux可以读写Windows的文件系统。因此,分一个FAT32的分区用来交换Windows和Linux的文件是个不错的选择。