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完整安装(Full Installation)

如果没有特别需求,不推荐用这种方式来安装Puppy Linux。

Full Installation
A Full Installation installs Puppy onto the hard drive like any other"normal" Linux. This kind of installation is a good idea if you haveless than 256 MB of memory.
Start "Menu | Setup | Puppy universal installer". Select the mediumthat you want to install Puppy to.

手动安装(Manual Installation)

Manual Installation

To be able to use this option, a boot loader has to be installed on your computer. If there is no boot loader installed on your computer, I recommend doing so using the Puppy Universal Installer.

Boot Puppy fom CD with the "puppy pfix=ram" boot option.

Create a new directory "puppy400" onto a partition with a Linux file system (ext2/ext3) or a FAT32 file system.

Copy the files


into this directory. If you are updating Puppy, overwrite the existing files.

简化安装(Frugal Installation)


Frugal Installation using Puppy Universal Installer

A Frugal Installation copies the image from the Puppy CD to the harddrive. At bootup, Puppy is loaded into your computer's memory (RAM)just as it is when you boot Puppy from CD, however, loading it from ahard drive is much faster. This way, Frugal Installation combines theadvantages of booting from CD-ROM (protection from malware) and a harddrive bootup (speed).



There are different ways to install Puppy:

Frugal Installation (Pupy CD image on hard drive)
Full Installation
Installation to a USB flash drive
Installation to a CF card

I recommend Frugal Installation, if you have 256 MB RAM or more. If you have less than 256 MB RAM you should choose Full Installation.

创建分区(Creating partitions)

Creating partitions
Now you should plan the layout of your hard disk partitionsregarding file system and size. I recommend creating three or fourpartitions in addition to the Windows partition. The following exampleassumes you have exactly one Windows partition (drive letter C).

整理磁盘碎片(Defragment your hard disk)

Defragment your hard disk
Before creating new partitions on your hard drive, you shoulddefragment the drive so that all data is stored at the beginning of theexisting partition. Here is how to do it:
Start up Windows.
First, backup your files to CD-ROM, DVD, or an external hard drive.Also remember to backup your Internet link collection (Favourites) andyour e-mails. If your data is encrypted, it is advisable to decrypt itbefore backing it up.

★如何安装Puppy(How to install Puppy)






如何运行Puppy(How to run Puppy)

How to run Puppy

A great advantage of Puppy Linux is that Puppy doesn't have to be installed. You can run Puppy directly from the CD, without affecting your operating system. Alternatively you can install Puppy on a harddrive or a USB stick.

How to run Puppy the very first time

First you must set up the boot sequence in the BIOS. If you do not know how to get into the BIOS-setup, consult the computers manual. Usually you press one of the following keys immediately after switching on the PC: ESC, one of the function keys F1 to F12 or the delete key.

如何获得Puppy(How to get Puppy)

你可以从ibiblio.org这个网站得到Puppy Linux。把最新版本Puppy-3.xx-seamonkey.iso(如Puppy-3.01-seamonkey.iso)保存到你的硬盘。这个文件的大小约100 MB。



md5sum Puppy - 3.01 - seamonkey.iso
你会得到一个校验结果。用一个文本编辑程序打开文件Puppy-3.01-seamonkey.iso.md5.txt 。比较两个值是否相同。


下载的DOS程序md5sum.exe 。


说明:Puppy Linux 4.0的英文(日语、德语、西班牙语)手册已出,为方便大家查看学习,特将英文手册先复制粘贴到这儿(翻译工作量较大,只能一步一步来啰!)
大部分章节内容与Puppy3.01手册大同小异,可直接查看gsxlm翻译的Puppy Linux 3.01使用手册未翻译章节已打上“★”号。如果想完整系统地学习Linux,尝尝 鳥哥的Linux私房菜 繁體版简体版也不错!