如何配置硬件(How to set up your hardware)

How to set up your hardware



This is an easy one to get up and running.Just run "Menu | Setup | Printer Wizard" and the directions there should be sufficient to get most printers working.If your printer is not on the list that comes up try one that is similar for example if you have an superjet 23e try the superjet 23 or superjet 23f.



This chapter is still missing.

U盘/外置硬盘(USB sticks / external harddrive)

USB sticks / external harddrive
USB sticks and external harddrives are very simple to use. Start the program "Menu | File managers | Pmount mount/unmount drives" and click on the button "Refresh". Then you click on the USB stick symbol and the file manager ROX will automatically open and show you the files on the USB stick. External harddrives with FAT32-filesystem can be used too. If you changed the file system of the external harddrive e.g. to an ext3-filesystem the program Pmount can not mount the external harddrive. In this case you open a shell and enter:

mount /dev/sdax /mnt/sdax (e.g. for the first partition: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1)

键盘布局(Keyboard layout)

Keyboard layout

If you are using Xvesa as your video server and you do not have a US keyboard, you need to customise the keyboard layout. Start "Menu | Document | Geany text editor" and copy the following lines into it for a German keyboard layout.

clear shift
clear lock
clear control
clear mod1
clear mod2
clear mod3
!clear mod4
!clear mod5
!de-latin1.map: German keymap
keycode 9 = Escape Escape
keycode10 = 1 exclam
keycode11 = 2 quotedbl twosuperior
keycode12 = 3 section threesuperior
keycode13 = 4 dollar dollar
keycode14 = 5 percent
keycode15 = 6 ampersand
keycode16 = 7 slash braceleft
keycode17 = 8 parenleft bracketleft
keycode18 = 9 parenright bracketright
keycode19 = 0 equal braceright
keycode20 = ssharp question backslash
keycode21 = dead_acute dead_grave
keycode22 = BackSpace Delete
keycode23 = Tab Tab
keycode24 = q Q at
keycode25 = w
keycode26 = e E currency EuroSign
keycode27 = r
keycode28 = t
keycode29 = z
keycode30 = u
keycode31 = i
keycode32 = o
keycode33 = p
keycode34 = udiaeresis Udiaeresis
keycode35 = plus asterisk dead_tilde
keycode36 = Return
keycode37 = Control_L
keycode38 = a
keycode39 = s
keycode40 = d
keycode41 = f
keycode42 = g
keycode43 = h
keycode44 = j
keycode45 = k
keycode46 = l
keycode47 = odiaeresis Odiaeresis
keycode48 = adiaeresis Adiaeresis
keycode49 = dead_circumflex degree
keycode50 = Shift_L
keycode51 = numbersign apostrophe
keycode52 = y
keycode53 = x
keycode54 = c
keycode55 = v
keycode56 = b
keycode57 = n
keycode58 = m M mu
keycode59 = comma semicolon
keycode60 = period colon Multi_key
keycode61 = minus underscore
keycode62 = Shift_R
keycode63 = KP_Multiply
keycode64 = Alt_L Meta_L
keycode65 = space space
keycode66 = Caps_Lock
keycode67 = F1 F11
keycode68 = F2 F12
keycode69 = F3 F13
keycode70 = F4 F14
keycode71 = at F15
keycode72 = bar F16
keycode73 = dead_tilde F17
keycode74 = currency EuroSign F18
keycode75 = braceleft F19
keycode76 = braceright F20
keycode77 = Num_Lock
keycode78 = Scroll_Lock
keycode79 = KP_7
keycode80 = KP_8
keycode81 = KP_9
keycode82 = KP_Subtract
keycode83 = KP_4
keycode84 = KP_5
keycode85 = KP_6
keycode86 = KP_Add
keycode87 = KP_1
keycode88 = KP_2
keycode89 = KP_3
keycode90 = KP_0
keycode91 = KP_Decimal
keycode94 = less greater bar
keycode95 = bracketleft F11
keycode96 = bracketright F12
keycode98 = Up
!keycode99 = Prior
keycode 100 = Left
keycode 102 = Right
!keycode 104 = Down
keycode 105 = Control_R
keycode 106 = KP_Divide
keycode 108 = Alt_R
keycode 110 = Home
keycode 112 = Prior
keycode 113 = Left
keycode 114 = Right
keycode 115 = End
keycode 116 = Down
keycode 117 = Next
keycode 133 = Alt_L
keycode 134 = Alt_R
add shift = Shift_L Shift_R
add lock = Caps_Lock
add control = Control_L Control_R
add mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R
add mod2 = Mode_switch
add mod3 = Num_Lock
!add mod4 =
!add mod5 =

Save this file as .Xmodmap into the /root directory (please note that the first character of the file name should indeed be a dot). Then restart the X server by selecting "Menu | Shutdown | Restart X Server" (alternatively, you can open a console and issue the "xmodmap /root/.Xmodmap" command). Now the äöüÄÖÜ umlauts are available. The special characters @|~ have been assigned to the function keys F5, F6 and F7 (F7 has to be pressed twice to make the tilde appear). The {}[] brackets are located on function keys F9 to F12.

You can create country-specific keyboard layouts of your own by editing that file. To find out the correct keycodes, open a console and enter the "xev" command. The keycode of any key you press and its assigned character will then be displayed.